Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Eddy Cooper's latest blog for May 2014

Part 1 (Pre Bluebell 5 race) 10/05/2014

Hi readers! 

Apologies for the absence - GCSEs are looming (I took my first exam yesterday!) and because of this running has had to take a back seat. I do still train throughout the week as I feel that it allows me to release some stress (I feel sorry for the roads and trails when I run, pounding my feet along them..!), but the amount of racing I do has had to have been cut down. Tomorrow I have the Bluebell 5 - a cross country road race that winds through Little Havens Country Park near The Deanes School. I did the race last year and came 11th in a time of 31:52 which I was pleased with and I was second Benfleet man home, but this year I have set myself some new goals: 1. To beat my time from last year 2. To be first Benfleet home and finally 3. To come in the top 10 finishers. I shall update you on my progress after the race. 
Besides the race tomorrow it is track season as most of you will know and I have been training hard this Summer to attempt to beat my nerves and poor times on the track (poor in my opinion!). I would like to improve my 800m from 2:27 --> 2:22; my 1500m from 4:52 --> 4:45 and I have also set a goal to run a sub-10minute 3k. Me and my team mates will be going all out to attempt to beat the goal of sub-10minutes for that distance so watch this space to see who breaks it first! 
Just before we entered the beginning of track season, I ran a ParkRun and as most of you guys will know I have been aiming to do a sub-18minute 5k. I achieved this in March when I ran 17:41 at the Southend ParkRun although I still feel as though I can do better! I'm hoping to run around 17:30 in my next one which, I should imagine, isn't going to be for a while yet. Also running in that race were most of the runners from Fittology (my mum's running group) including my dad (seen in one of the photos blowing out of his backside :') love you really Dad!). Well done to you all(times ranged from around 25 minutes to 40 minutes), a great effort - it's notable that some of these guys only started running around 10/11 weeks prior to that race and some are competing in the Bluebell tomorrow with plans to run in the Southend 10k/Half later on this year! Amazing! :D   
This track season I'm looking forward to conquering my past fears of nervousness and anxiety on the track and I'd like to become a lot quicker and stronger over this season to help me in the autumn/winter when I attempt some 10ks. 
On the subject of my GCSEs, I'm attempting to get A-A*s in Art (my teacher thinks I'll get it now) , PE (I should do after a score of 118/120 in my practical - 60% of the final grade), Maths, Economics and product design, Geography, French, English and I'm going to try not to do too badly in my sciences... I'm not very good at those... If that all goes well then I'll get into Southend High School for Girls' sixth form.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed my blog entry!
keep reading and running everyone :)   

Eddy's dad in action!

Part 2 - Post Bluebell 5 - 11/05/2014

The day of the Bluebell 5, I felt good and I was, admittedly, a little nervous - but it's good to have a little bit of nerves! I started the race well and I didn't go off too fast - the first mile was in around 6:30 pace so if anything I was a little slow. I took that mile a little easy so that I didn't get sucked into the front runners going at 5 minute mile pace... (ie, Crispian Bloomfield) I was running really well until about 4.4 miles into the 5 mile race when I felt a familiar stabbing sensation in my stomach - I can only imagine that I pulled/strained one of my stomach muscles... I was in 8th place, catching 7th and 6th, and about to smash my PB when the pain in my stomach attacked... I went on to finish in around 15th place in a time of around 33minutes so although I'm disappointed I know that I have to look forward and take note of the things that went well, ie. I was running strong. 
Now it's back to focus on my GCSEs and track season - watch this space!


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